Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Two-way win

I drove out to the Muck after work tonight and scored immediately: A check of the Sunday drawing board showed I didn't win on that $900 straight-flush ticket. Phew. That's when missing is almost like winning. I would have been pissed if watching a stupid football game had cost me nearly two racks of red.

Then I sat down in a $4-8 game and won for real. Nothing tricky, just some nice cards to establish a good table rep, allowing me to steal a few pots, and then one timely sweet hand. I three-bet before the flop with AA and got five-way action, including a guy to my left who called the three bets cold. The flop came 4-3-3 and I was able to raise again ... and didn't lose anybody. Another bet got called all around when a 6 came on the turn. It was obvious I was facing some other pocket pairs -- I really didn't put anybody on a 3 or a straight -- so when a queen came on the river it seemed prudent to check it down.

Lucky me: The other pairs were JJ and KK. Luckier still: The one player we lost with all the pre-flop action had pocket 6s.

Up $272 for the night. My best session in quite a while.